Sacha inchi is a tree which produces star-shaped fruits. The fruit contains 4-7 oval seeds. After falling off the tree, the fruit dries and the pods open up and the seeds fall out. The seeds need to be roasted before eating or they can be pressed into oil.
Eventhough sacha inchi has been eaten by indigenous South Americans for centuries, it has only recently become well-known around the world because of its “superfood” status and health benefits.
The uniqueness of sacha inchi is that it contains 93% fatty acids, most of which are essential oils, which are important for health.
Omega 3
Omega 6
Omega 9
Omega 7
Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA)
Benefits of Kordel’s Sacha Inchi Oil:
Improves cardiovascular health- blood pressure and cholesterol level
Reduce acne problem
Reduce inflammation
Imporve cognitive health- memory and attention
Complete set of protein